Monday, January 5, 2009

1st Day Back

Today was the first day back at school. I didn't sleep well last night and was nervous about how today would unfold.

I started a new ritual for my students. I posted a speech class pledge in my room and they say it every time they come in. I found in on the great website, If you click on caseload management, you will find it. It essentially says that doing well is up to each student, not me. We talked about my role in helping them with their speech. We all agreed that I am here to teach and they come to speech to learn. It seemed to work well today. I'll keep you updated.

For my January activity, I cut out paper party hats and let my kids decorate them with markers, glitter, etc... I had them write 3 resolutions, one which had to do with their speech goals. They all did such a nice job. I'm going to keep them posted in the room until the end of the year, that way they can track their progress!

I hope everyone had a great day today, especially those speech paths who started back at school today:)

1 comment:

CC said...

Cool idea about the pledge!!!