Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane a comin'????

I've never been in a hurricane before. I was out and about today and so was everyone else. Water, gas, food, batteries are selling like hotcakes. I know I should take it more seriously and had I lived through a hurricane before, I probably would be.

Instead, I went about my normal Sunday. I make cinnamon twists this AM (just take croissant dough, dip in in cinnamon and sugar and bake), went on a run (I'm up to 2 miles without losing my breath) and visited a new church. Then I went to my favorite place, Target. I went 3 times today. I'm obsessed. I bought new bedding. I also bought some folders for my kids at school.

My first week of school went well. I don't much feel like an SLP. I feel like a professional paper pusher. However, it is ok because all the paperwork helps the kids. Without IEP's and all the other stuff, children wouldn't be able to receive the services that they need. I posted some pics of my classroom (i can't get them to post where I want them, sorry). It is a work in progress. I am hoping to create an area with bean bag chairs so we can do some therapy on the floor. I want my kids to feel comfortable. What's more comfy than a bean bag?:) The theme for our school is "Lift off to Learning." My theme for my room is "SuperSonic Speech Stars."

Anywhoo, nothing else to report on. I am just relaxing and obviously shopping this weekend. I'll write more next week.

Have a great week.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Hi friends!
This might be a long post. I have so much to write! Last time you heard from me, I was nervously anticipating my move to H-town. Since then, I have moved, started working and even made a few friends.

So far, I really like H-town. The weather is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Yes, it is hot but I honestly think that Tulsa is hotter. H-town does have a nice coastal breeze. It is humid but it's not that bad...really.

Traffic is something to get used to. It does take longer than 15 minutes to get anywhere, even to the local store that is 2 miles away. My school is 10 miles away. It takes me 35-45 minutes to get there. You really have to time your drives here. Five minutes makes a world of difference. For example, I usually leave at 7:05 to arrive to school by 8:00. I generally make it by 7:45. The other day I left at 7:10 and I was 20 minutes late to work!

There is so much to do here. Last weekend I went to the Holocaust Museum. They had a photograph exhibit on Darfur. It was very sad, however, it was touching. I also got to learn more about the Holocaust. There is a street here, Kirby, that has some of the best restaurants. I ate at a BBQ place called Goode BBQ Co. Yes, it was good. Most of the restaurants here have outside seating (I know) but there are so many fans and misters that it is tolerable.

Also, you all know my unnatural obsession with cooking and the grocery store. HEB is one of the greatest grocery stores of all times! On Saturday, they do tons of cooking demos and have samples out everywhere! You can bet that is where I will be eating lunch most Saturdays. HEB also has store called Central Market. It's like a Whole Foods on crack! I think once the fire settles down, I'm going to apply to do cooking demos there.

And if you love shopping, the shopping here is out of control. Besides the Galleria and Westheimer areas, there is a brand new premium outlet mall 5 minutes away from where I live! Save your $$ and come visit!!!!

School is good. It has been very busy though. There are so many "texas" procedures that I have to learn, but overall, everyone is super friendly and helpful. I have so much paperwork, but realize that everything takes time. I have a classroom area (my district has an open concept, so there are no walls or doors, just huge open spaces), office and even a secretary! My secretary has been my godsend and is a wealth of information. I am so lucky to have her!
I'll post pictures of my classroom soon. My favorite part of the entire week was meeting my kids. They are SO cute. My school is 54% economically disadvantaged, but it has met TX standards year after year. It was even named one of the best schools in the US by Redbook magazine! I'm excited to be here and will be excited to share my experience with you. I just have to learn Spanish ASAP:)

Last night I went to an area called Rice Village. It is near Rice University and it was very fun. When and if I decide to stay in H-town, I hope to move to this area or around the museum district. I've met some great people as well. I've forced myself to get involved, even though I don't know anyone. I've made contacts with the alumni associations for OSU and TU. I also will start volunteering at the H-town Food Bank next weekend.

This move is one of the best things I have ever done. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to take a leap of faith. I am so glad I did.

Talk to you all soon!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Week recap

I am nearing my very last day in Tulsa, OK. I can't decide if it is going to be Sat or Sun or even Monday. It is so eerie sitting in an apartment with no furniture. It's almost as if my current life disappeared.

Excited for the change of scenery? Yes. Excited to make new friends? Maybe. I am ready though. I am ready with all of my heart.

I feel like I have endured some pain over the past few weeks. Mainly personal issues. I know with time they will fade.

I have to thank all of my wonderful friends who have been so supportive. Thank you to all my Tulsa girls who continue to keep me busy to keep my mind of the bad stuff. Thank you to my faithful blog readers who leave me with encouraging notes.

Tonight I finished the 3rd book in the Twilight saga I have been reading. I wanted to finish it before I purchased the last one, Breaking Dawn. It is quite a large book; I hope I will have time to read it when I get to TX. After I finished the book, I took all three books and bound them together with a rubber band. I left them on a bench at Carrabba's. I left a note inside for the next person to enjoy them and then pass them on again. It was fun to come out of the restaurant to see they were gone. To whomever found them, good readings!

The next time I will post, I will be in Houston. Please send all your well wishes my way as I embark on this new part of my life.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sleepless in Tulsa

It is 1:26am, waaay past my bed time. I can't sleep. Anxiety? I don't think so. Maybe it is too much caffeine.

Late night TV is pretty bad! I watched Fear Factor and now I'm watching some type of house hunting show.

It's not like I did anything today! Let's see...I gave the apartment a deep clean, went to Target and made some dinner. I think it is the stifling heat!

Here is a random cooking idea. I am trying use all the food I have in my apartment before I move on Sunday. I had some packages of string cheese left over. I cut the logs apart and hid a piece of it in some meatballs I made. It turned out pretty yummy!

I'm making no sense and now my cable keeps flickering and one of the lamps keeps getting brighter. I think it is a sign to go to bed.