Hi friends,
After a long hiatus from blogging, I am finally back into the swing of things. Life has been hectic, but I suppose it wouldn't be fun if it wasn't.
Here is a quick recap of what's been going on since I blogged last...
November: Our house went on the market. We thought we were going to have a chance to sell that month until.....
December: Huge ice storm in town. It was as if a mini war zone hit Tulsa.
This is our home one day after the ice storm. We were w/o power for 11 days. Luckily, we had a warm place to live. Others were not so fortunate. Our neighbor passed away that week. She fell in her home and became hypothermic. Needless to say, she was found too late. We were fortunate enough to have wonderful friends, family and guardian angels. Whomever it was that put our meter box back on our house is truly an angel in my book. Thank You! Unfortunately, we still have piles of limbs in our yard and half broken branches in the trees. We are hoping for good weather here on out.

We traveled to Houston for the holidays. It didn't really feel like Christmas though. It was nice to be with family.
January: I took my board exam on the 12th. I am patiently waiting for my scores (4 weeks!). Keep your fingers crossed and say your prayers that I passed. I started my school rotation on the 2nd. I am currently at Northeast Elementary in Owasso. It is interesting. My heart goes out to the teachers and staff! Working in a school is tough. There is so much paperwork and so little money-those who teach are truly doing it because they are passionate about it. It amazes me every day! I have 53 kids on my caseload right now. That's a lot of paperwork (mainly IEP's). My favorite part is working in the multi-handicap classroom. These kids are the sweetest ones. I have found that I don't have much patience when it comes to working with children in the mainstream classrooms. I don't know if it because they are so spoiled (i.e., me: what did you get for xmas? them: a wii, xbox 360, horse, plasma tv, etc) or if I would rather work with the kids in the multi-handicap room instead. Either way, it has been an eye-opening experience and it makes me really really ready to graduate!
I guess that brings me up-to-date for now. I'll write tomorrow.
See you then!
wow...a lot going on for you too! i hope all of your test scores come back with great results!
I'm glad you are back! I've been missing your blog. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your test scores to come back off the charts!
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