Many of you know how hard and interesting this year has been for me. I have experienced three of life's greatest stressors, all in one year. I still have the days where it is hard for me to get out of bed. I still get the sensation that I can't breathe. But, with each passing day, it gets easier.
Last night, I attended Handel's Messiah at the Houston Symphony, by myself. It was a decision that I made earlier in the week. As I drove towards the symphony, the overwhelming sensation of not being able to breathe came back. I thought to myself, "what am I doing?" and had to call many friends to give me a pep talk.
I reached my destination, got out of my car and walked confidently towards the symphony hall. I picked up my ticket and proceeded to the bar, where I enjoyed a glass of white wine. I looked around and there were so many couples, families, groups, but no one alone. Instead of feeling sadness and anxiety, all of the sudden, the sensation of not being able to breathe went away. I sat between two couples, both of which kept asking me if "someone was going to join me." I confidently said "no."
The performance was wonderful. It had been years since I had been to the symphony. When I say years, I'm pretty sure the last time I heard an orchestra performance was when I was in the orchestra in high school.
The experience was exhilirating and liberating. I've always wanted my life to be perfect. Perfect isn't always extravagant. Last night, I conquered my fears. Last night was my perfect night, and it is all I really ever needed. Most importantly, I learned how to breathe again, by myself.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
There's a SLP shortage??? Who knew......
Shortage of Speech Language Pathologists Reported on Local News
A parent in a school district north of Houston videotaped a therapy session with her son, and was unhappy with what she saw. It is later discussed how their is a nation wide shortage of SLPs.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Antlers, Weather, Therapy Ideas and Cake Balls:)

The picture above is of my sweet Bella. She looks frightened, but she actually wagged her tail as I was putting the antlers on. I can't believe that she is 7 years old already. I got her a few months after I graduated from OSU and I hope she is with me forever:)
The weather in H-town has been very odd. It snowed here last week, was 80 degrees two days later and now is back to being cold and drizzly.
Sooooooooooooo, a lot has been going on since my last post. I have been toying with the idea of moving back home to T-town. I still don't know if it will happen, but it is in the works and I'll keep everyone updated.
As for work, it has been pretty good. I finally got my bearings and started feeling like I was competent enough to do the job. It's been difficult because not only am I learning the job, I'm learning the "cy-fair" way of doing things (cy-fair is the district I work for) and those are two completely different things.
This week, I'm working on a fun project for my preschool speech kids. I'm going to read one of my favorite books, "There's a mouse about the house" by Richard Fowler. Then, we are going to make little mice ornaments for them to take home and put on their tree. Of course, I will take pictures tomorrow and post them at some point.
My regular speech kids will be making cake balls and reading "Amelia Bedelia's Merry Christmas," which happens to be another favorite book of mine. Why the cake balls? Well, in the story, Amelia Bedelia is baking a cake. And, I had to some how get making/eating food incorporated into therapy:) The recipe for cake balls is:
1 package boxed cake mix (follow the directions, bake and then cool)
1 tub frosting
Melted almond bark
Take the cooled cake and break up into smaller pieces. Add tub of frosting and mix. Form balls from the mixture and set aside (really, you are supposed to freeze them so they set). Dip into almond bark and sprinkle favorite candies, sprinkles, nuts, etc... over them. Eat!!!!
I used red velvet cake mix, cream cheese frosting and the white almond bark. For garnishes, I had crushed oreos and christmas tree sprinkles.
I hope everyone has a great holiday. I'll write soon....
P.S. If you are a couponer or like to save money, make sure you clipped the Proctor and Gamble deal out of the Sunday paper. If you spend $50 on P&G products, you can get a free book of P&G coupons worth $120! That's a great deal!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Treasure Chest

After weeks of not having a "prize box," I finally caved in. I created this treasure chest and filled it with tons of goodies from the dollar store (pencils, erasers, bubbles...NO candy). Our school district has very strict rules about candy and food. It actually has to be written that the SLP/classroom teacher can used foods of "minimal nutritional value" in their IEP!
My students get to choose an item out of the treasure chest by filling up their sticker chart with 20 stickers. They receive stickers for the following: working hard towards their speech goals (I have my students tell me "what they are working on" before AND after the session), helping/being a good friend (to others in the group), listening and following ALL the speech rules.
Here is how I created my treasure chest:
Hobby Lobby is having a 50% sale on their home decor/crafts this week. I got this chest and gemstones for $14.00 and what a great investment!
Homemade Aquarium

I did this activity with my little ones. It was fun and once again, it uses household items.
This activity is good for following directions (one step and two step), repeating and motor skills. If you wanted to use it for articulation, you could have the child write their speech words on the "water" and practice them. For a language activity, you could ask the child "wh" questions about what you are doing, have them sequence the steps or ask them to describe what they are doing (ex: "How many fish are there?).
I also have sequence cards that go with this activity (i.e., Step One: glue fish on water, Step Two: open bag, Step Three: put water in bag, Step Four, put oatmeal in bag, Step Five: close/seal bag)
What you will need:
zip top bag
oatmeal ("sand")
yellow construction paper (cut into fish shapes)
blue construction paper (cut into a square that will fit inside the zip top bag)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Interesting Read
If you are at all interested in Autism, or work with those with Autism, please check out this book. It is a great resource and guide to better understanding the complicated world of Autism.
Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew
Ellen Notbohm
Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew
Ellen Notbohm
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Money Saving Tip for SLP's
Therapy Ideas

I wanted to create an entire blog dedicated to therapy ideas. However, I tried to set it up and Blogger flagged it for spam and then erased it! So, I will just post on my normal blog.
Our school measures progress in six week increments. I can't believe the first six weeks has already gone by. I'm not going to wasn't easy. The amount of paperwork that is involved in unreal. It was either therapy or the paperwork; it was hard to do both. Also, my school district requires new SLP's to attend meetings like they are going out of style. I got so behind on some of my therapy so I'm having to do double time this six weeks.
Another hard thing for me to get used to is the fact that therapy sessions are 50 minutes. I'm used to doing 30 minutes (really 25). But, 50!!!! That is where I started coming up with these ideas. My groups are large as well and I don't generally get to pair kids up with peers who are working on the same thing. I will have a group of half artic, pragmatics, fluency and then a voice kid. That's where 50 minute therapy sessions get tricky! Plus, we have to log all of our data electronically as soon as it is taken. So, imagine doing therapy with groups ranging in diagnoses, ranging from as little as 2 students to as big as 8, logging data electronically, for 50 minutes!!!!!
Here are a few ideas. Please be patient with my pictures...I'm not so good at this part. If anyone has any tips, please feel free!
1. "Describing Area and Describing Bags"
Our school is an "open concept" school. That means, no doors or walls. So, I've designated an "area" in my space as the "describing area." The kids can sit on their bean bag chairs (which I bought at various garage sales) ! On the wall, I have different things you would talk about/ask, if you were describing something/needing a clue. It is a great way to combine language, articulation, voice, pragmatics, fluency, you name it! I go over each thing I have posted with my kids. Then, I have bags filled with various items (I put 5 items in each bag). The outside of the bag can be decorated with whatever "theme" you may have going on that week. This weeks theme was "supersonic speech." Each kid gets their own bag. They are instructed to look inside, but not to say what is in it. Each kid picks one item out of their bag that they want to "describe." The other kids have to use the questions on the wall to help them "guess" what the mystery item is. It is so much fun and it is such a great way to incorporate all of your goals and even teach them kids something new!
The best part is that you don't even have to spend any money doing this! All of my materials I got from home. I printed off the rocket ships online, cut them out and glued them onto the paper sacks I had lying around the house. All of the items inside the bag were found either in my therapy area or were random things I found. One of my favorite items (kids too) is a doctor's glove that most of us should have in our oral motor areas! They had the most fun describing that one!!!!
I hope you enjoyed this idea. I definitely have many more and will post them soon.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I love to save money...
This woman, the Coupon Contessa, feeds her family of four on a grocery budget of $20/week. Visit her blog at:
My friend Sarah, who blogs as One Frugal Chick, also does a lot of couponing and has GREAT ideas. Check her blog out too. The link is on the right hand side of my blog under "Keeping in Touch."
Don't we all love to save money? What's your money saving tip?
My friend Sarah, who blogs as One Frugal Chick, also does a lot of couponing and has GREAT ideas. Check her blog out too. The link is on the right hand side of my blog under "Keeping in Touch."
Don't we all love to save money? What's your money saving tip?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
New Blogs....
So, I've decided to add 2 new blogs to my list of things to do.
I've been so busy with work, that I've decided to put my thoughts and ideas into a blog to share with others. Anyone can use these ideas, not just SLP's. I have had to get pretty creative with some of my students are these are my ideas. I'll post a link as soon as I get it up and running...
My second blog is a blog for food lovers, like myself. I received this great book of unauthorized restaurant reviews in the Houston area. It's been my favorite book so far. Many of you know my obsession with food and I would love to someday write for a food magazine (in between being an SLP). Once again, I'll let you know as soon as it is up an running...
How are you?
I've been so busy with work, that I've decided to put my thoughts and ideas into a blog to share with others. Anyone can use these ideas, not just SLP's. I have had to get pretty creative with some of my students are these are my ideas. I'll post a link as soon as I get it up and running...
My second blog is a blog for food lovers, like myself. I received this great book of unauthorized restaurant reviews in the Houston area. It's been my favorite book so far. Many of you know my obsession with food and I would love to someday write for a food magazine (in between being an SLP). Once again, I'll let you know as soon as it is up an running...
How are you?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Evac-u-too late?
Hi friends~
I am back, with power and amenities that we all probably tend to take for granted.
Ike came and went and now the city of H-town is cleaning up.
My area (NW H-town) was not hit as hard as the most obvious places, like the ones by the coast. The biggest concern in H-town right now seems to be power and fuel. We are no longer under a "boil water" warning. Stores are slowly opening and their shelves are beginning to fill up with fresh food.
Lines for gas continue to be ridiculous. Yesterday, people camped outside a local gas station waiting for the next fuel tanker. It isn't uncommon to hear stories of waiting a long time, I mean HOURS, for fuel. Everyone around the world seems to be complaining about high gas prices. Well, at least you have gas.
I have friends who have lost their homes. I believe that the emotional toll is greater than physical damage.
After being in the ice storm and having lost power for 12 days in the freezing cold, IKE was easier to me. I hate to say it, but nothing, at this point in my life, will compare to that ice storm.
So what happens in a hurricane? I'm no weather person, so all I can say is that the noise you hear is something that you hope to never hear again, kind of like the sound of branches from 60+ year old trees cracking and falling on your house. IKE was hard for a lot because it came in the middle of the night, 3am to be exact. I don't know what is worse, having a surprise attack or waiting for one all night. Either way, anxiety gets the best of you.
School is out until Thursday. Sadly, I am ready to go back.
Here are some other things that I've learned from IKE:
1. If the government asks you to evacuate, no, tells you to evacuate, it is probably in your best interest to EVACUATE. I realize many do not have the means to do so, but if they are offering you free transportation and lodging, DO IT! Don't get on the news and say that you bought your kids life jackets to protect them from the storm surges and that you called 911 during the middle of the storm because your house was flooding and you didn't evacuate from Galveston because you thought you could "ride it out." What???
2. If you happen to be at a donut shop on the Friday before the big storm (where there is a line wrapped around the building) DO NOT buy EVERY kolache in the store. Don't say "I'll take everything you have." Selfish, selfish, selfish. Person #105 probably wanted something too.
3. Things are just that, things. I understand the value of pictures and important documents so that is why I have a box labeled "important items" in my closet. In case of any emergency, there is NO question what goes and what stays. In that box is everything I need. Many of you know that I sold ALL of my belongings before I moved. That's just it...everything is replaceable. We need to remember that our safety and the safety of our family and friends is what is important.
4. People are amazing. I can't speak for the entire city of H-town, but so many people helped in the evacuation of the elderly and those with special needs. Many men evacuated their families and stayed behind until an entire nursing home and Children's hospital were evacuated. Thank you to those who gave so selflessly.
5. I have amazing friends. Thank you for the endless calls, texts and emails. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Phil 1:3.
I am back, with power and amenities that we all probably tend to take for granted.
Ike came and went and now the city of H-town is cleaning up.
My area (NW H-town) was not hit as hard as the most obvious places, like the ones by the coast. The biggest concern in H-town right now seems to be power and fuel. We are no longer under a "boil water" warning. Stores are slowly opening and their shelves are beginning to fill up with fresh food.
Lines for gas continue to be ridiculous. Yesterday, people camped outside a local gas station waiting for the next fuel tanker. It isn't uncommon to hear stories of waiting a long time, I mean HOURS, for fuel. Everyone around the world seems to be complaining about high gas prices. Well, at least you have gas.
I have friends who have lost their homes. I believe that the emotional toll is greater than physical damage.
After being in the ice storm and having lost power for 12 days in the freezing cold, IKE was easier to me. I hate to say it, but nothing, at this point in my life, will compare to that ice storm.
So what happens in a hurricane? I'm no weather person, so all I can say is that the noise you hear is something that you hope to never hear again, kind of like the sound of branches from 60+ year old trees cracking and falling on your house. IKE was hard for a lot because it came in the middle of the night, 3am to be exact. I don't know what is worse, having a surprise attack or waiting for one all night. Either way, anxiety gets the best of you.
School is out until Thursday. Sadly, I am ready to go back.
Here are some other things that I've learned from IKE:
1. If the government asks you to evacuate, no, tells you to evacuate, it is probably in your best interest to EVACUATE. I realize many do not have the means to do so, but if they are offering you free transportation and lodging, DO IT! Don't get on the news and say that you bought your kids life jackets to protect them from the storm surges and that you called 911 during the middle of the storm because your house was flooding and you didn't evacuate from Galveston because you thought you could "ride it out." What???
2. If you happen to be at a donut shop on the Friday before the big storm (where there is a line wrapped around the building) DO NOT buy EVERY kolache in the store. Don't say "I'll take everything you have." Selfish, selfish, selfish. Person #105 probably wanted something too.
3. Things are just that, things. I understand the value of pictures and important documents so that is why I have a box labeled "important items" in my closet. In case of any emergency, there is NO question what goes and what stays. In that box is everything I need. Many of you know that I sold ALL of my belongings before I moved. That's just it...everything is replaceable. We need to remember that our safety and the safety of our family and friends is what is important.
4. People are amazing. I can't speak for the entire city of H-town, but so many people helped in the evacuation of the elderly and those with special needs. Many men evacuated their families and stayed behind until an entire nursing home and Children's hospital were evacuated. Thank you to those who gave so selflessly.
5. I have amazing friends. Thank you for the endless calls, texts and emails. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Phil 1:3.
Thursday, September 11, 2008

In preparation for Hurricane Ike, I've learned that I am very impatient.
First, the majority of Houstonians are freaking out about Ike. I am sure they are doing so with good cause. Being a non-Houstononian and having lived through tornadoes, micro-bursts and a wretched ice storm, I feel like I can handle it...
#1: We are informed this morning around 11 that school will be canceled tomorrow and possibly on Monday. Yeah!? Not really. I'm so far behind from being out on Monday and Tuesday plus we will have to make it up in June. June....why are you so far away?
#2: I go to my safe haven, Target, after I sit through over an hour of traffic ON A BACK ROAD! Luckily, Target is the one place that makes me SO happy. I pilfered around and pretty much hung out for as long as I could. I got some snacks (some is an understatement). See picture below. Note the hair color, magazines and wine. And since when did I eat spray cheese????
#3: After being advised by everyone, I go to the bank to withdraw some cash. The ATMs are down. However, I discover this after sitting in line for 27 minutes.
**Yes, I did time everything I did today!**
#4: Time to get gas. This is where I needed to exercise my use of patience. Most of the gas stations are out of gas at this point in the day. It is important to note that I live on the NW side of H-town and people who are under mandatory evacuation are coming this way. So, I wait in line for, brace yourselves, 1 hour and 36 minutes. FINALLY, my turn at the pump.................
The only gas left is E85. You can picture my reaction in your head. The man behind me says "just fill up anyways." Are you kidding?
#5: I go down the street to the Valero. I wait in a small line for about 10 minutes. I get to the pump and the gas is OUT!
#6: I ended up not getting any gas. The gas tanks will be refilling the stations tonight as the weather and traffic allow.
Ike, I hope you don't make landfall and cause any damage. However, you have taught me a precious gift, to have more patience.
Now it's time to brace myself for what could be a very long weekend. Keep your prayers going. I'll talk to you all soon. That is if I don't overdose on cheetos, candy corn and spray cheese:)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Hurricane a comin'????

I've never been in a hurricane before. I was out and about today and so was everyone else. Water, gas, food, batteries are selling like hotcakes. I know I should take it more seriously and had I lived through a hurricane before, I probably would be.
Instead, I went about my normal Sunday. I make cinnamon twists this AM (just take croissant dough, dip in in cinnamon and sugar and bake), went on a run (I'm up to 2 miles without losing my breath) and visited a new church. Then I went to my favorite place, Target. I went 3 times today. I'm obsessed. I bought new bedding. I also bought some folders for my kids at school.
My first week of school went well. I don't much feel like an SLP. I feel like a professional paper pusher. However, it is ok because all the paperwork helps the kids. Without IEP's and all the other stuff, children wouldn't be able to receive the services that they need. I posted some pics of my classroom (i can't get them to post where I want them, sorry). It is a work in progress. I am hoping to create an area with bean bag chairs so we can do some therapy on the floor. I want my kids to feel comfortable. What's more comfy than a bean bag?:) The theme for our school is "Lift off to Learning." My theme for my room is "SuperSonic Speech Stars."
Anywhoo, nothing else to report on. I am just relaxing and obviously shopping this weekend. I'll write more next week.
Have a great week.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Hi friends!
This might be a long post. I have so much to write! Last time you heard from me, I was nervously anticipating my move to H-town. Since then, I have moved, started working and even made a few friends.
So far, I really like H-town. The weather is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Yes, it is hot but I honestly think that Tulsa is hotter. H-town does have a nice coastal breeze. It is humid but it's not that bad...really.
Traffic is something to get used to. It does take longer than 15 minutes to get anywhere, even to the local store that is 2 miles away. My school is 10 miles away. It takes me 35-45 minutes to get there. You really have to time your drives here. Five minutes makes a world of difference. For example, I usually leave at 7:05 to arrive to school by 8:00. I generally make it by 7:45. The other day I left at 7:10 and I was 20 minutes late to work!
There is so much to do here. Last weekend I went to the Holocaust Museum. They had a photograph exhibit on Darfur. It was very sad, however, it was touching. I also got to learn more about the Holocaust. There is a street here, Kirby, that has some of the best restaurants. I ate at a BBQ place called Goode BBQ Co. Yes, it was good. Most of the restaurants here have outside seating (I know) but there are so many fans and misters that it is tolerable.
Also, you all know my unnatural obsession with cooking and the grocery store. HEB is one of the greatest grocery stores of all times! On Saturday, they do tons of cooking demos and have samples out everywhere! You can bet that is where I will be eating lunch most Saturdays. HEB also has store called Central Market. It's like a Whole Foods on crack! I think once the fire settles down, I'm going to apply to do cooking demos there.
And if you love shopping, the shopping here is out of control. Besides the Galleria and Westheimer areas, there is a brand new premium outlet mall 5 minutes away from where I live! Save your $$ and come visit!!!!
School is good. It has been very busy though. There are so many "texas" procedures that I have to learn, but overall, everyone is super friendly and helpful. I have so much paperwork, but realize that everything takes time. I have a classroom area (my district has an open concept, so there are no walls or doors, just huge open spaces), office and even a secretary! My secretary has been my godsend and is a wealth of information. I am so lucky to have her!
I'll post pictures of my classroom soon. My favorite part of the entire week was meeting my kids. They are SO cute. My school is 54% economically disadvantaged, but it has met TX standards year after year. It was even named one of the best schools in the US by Redbook magazine! I'm excited to be here and will be excited to share my experience with you. I just have to learn Spanish ASAP:)
Last night I went to an area called Rice Village. It is near Rice University and it was very fun. When and if I decide to stay in H-town, I hope to move to this area or around the museum district. I've met some great people as well. I've forced myself to get involved, even though I don't know anyone. I've made contacts with the alumni associations for OSU and TU. I also will start volunteering at the H-town Food Bank next weekend.
This move is one of the best things I have ever done. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to take a leap of faith. I am so glad I did.
Talk to you all soon!
This might be a long post. I have so much to write! Last time you heard from me, I was nervously anticipating my move to H-town. Since then, I have moved, started working and even made a few friends.
So far, I really like H-town. The weather is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Yes, it is hot but I honestly think that Tulsa is hotter. H-town does have a nice coastal breeze. It is humid but it's not that bad...really.
Traffic is something to get used to. It does take longer than 15 minutes to get anywhere, even to the local store that is 2 miles away. My school is 10 miles away. It takes me 35-45 minutes to get there. You really have to time your drives here. Five minutes makes a world of difference. For example, I usually leave at 7:05 to arrive to school by 8:00. I generally make it by 7:45. The other day I left at 7:10 and I was 20 minutes late to work!
There is so much to do here. Last weekend I went to the Holocaust Museum. They had a photograph exhibit on Darfur. It was very sad, however, it was touching. I also got to learn more about the Holocaust. There is a street here, Kirby, that has some of the best restaurants. I ate at a BBQ place called Goode BBQ Co. Yes, it was good. Most of the restaurants here have outside seating (I know) but there are so many fans and misters that it is tolerable.
Also, you all know my unnatural obsession with cooking and the grocery store. HEB is one of the greatest grocery stores of all times! On Saturday, they do tons of cooking demos and have samples out everywhere! You can bet that is where I will be eating lunch most Saturdays. HEB also has store called Central Market. It's like a Whole Foods on crack! I think once the fire settles down, I'm going to apply to do cooking demos there.
And if you love shopping, the shopping here is out of control. Besides the Galleria and Westheimer areas, there is a brand new premium outlet mall 5 minutes away from where I live! Save your $$ and come visit!!!!
School is good. It has been very busy though. There are so many "texas" procedures that I have to learn, but overall, everyone is super friendly and helpful. I have so much paperwork, but realize that everything takes time. I have a classroom area (my district has an open concept, so there are no walls or doors, just huge open spaces), office and even a secretary! My secretary has been my godsend and is a wealth of information. I am so lucky to have her!
I'll post pictures of my classroom soon. My favorite part of the entire week was meeting my kids. They are SO cute. My school is 54% economically disadvantaged, but it has met TX standards year after year. It was even named one of the best schools in the US by Redbook magazine! I'm excited to be here and will be excited to share my experience with you. I just have to learn Spanish ASAP:)
Last night I went to an area called Rice Village. It is near Rice University and it was very fun. When and if I decide to stay in H-town, I hope to move to this area or around the museum district. I've met some great people as well. I've forced myself to get involved, even though I don't know anyone. I've made contacts with the alumni associations for OSU and TU. I also will start volunteering at the H-town Food Bank next weekend.
This move is one of the best things I have ever done. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to take a leap of faith. I am so glad I did.
Talk to you all soon!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Week recap
I am nearing my very last day in Tulsa, OK. I can't decide if it is going to be Sat or Sun or even Monday. It is so eerie sitting in an apartment with no furniture. It's almost as if my current life disappeared.
Excited for the change of scenery? Yes. Excited to make new friends? Maybe. I am ready though. I am ready with all of my heart.
I feel like I have endured some pain over the past few weeks. Mainly personal issues. I know with time they will fade.
I have to thank all of my wonderful friends who have been so supportive. Thank you to all my Tulsa girls who continue to keep me busy to keep my mind of the bad stuff. Thank you to my faithful blog readers who leave me with encouraging notes.
Tonight I finished the 3rd book in the Twilight saga I have been reading. I wanted to finish it before I purchased the last one, Breaking Dawn. It is quite a large book; I hope I will have time to read it when I get to TX. After I finished the book, I took all three books and bound them together with a rubber band. I left them on a bench at Carrabba's. I left a note inside for the next person to enjoy them and then pass them on again. It was fun to come out of the restaurant to see they were gone. To whomever found them, good readings!
The next time I will post, I will be in Houston. Please send all your well wishes my way as I embark on this new part of my life.
Excited for the change of scenery? Yes. Excited to make new friends? Maybe. I am ready though. I am ready with all of my heart.
I feel like I have endured some pain over the past few weeks. Mainly personal issues. I know with time they will fade.
I have to thank all of my wonderful friends who have been so supportive. Thank you to all my Tulsa girls who continue to keep me busy to keep my mind of the bad stuff. Thank you to my faithful blog readers who leave me with encouraging notes.
Tonight I finished the 3rd book in the Twilight saga I have been reading. I wanted to finish it before I purchased the last one, Breaking Dawn. It is quite a large book; I hope I will have time to read it when I get to TX. After I finished the book, I took all three books and bound them together with a rubber band. I left them on a bench at Carrabba's. I left a note inside for the next person to enjoy them and then pass them on again. It was fun to come out of the restaurant to see they were gone. To whomever found them, good readings!
The next time I will post, I will be in Houston. Please send all your well wishes my way as I embark on this new part of my life.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Sleepless in Tulsa
It is 1:26am, waaay past my bed time. I can't sleep. Anxiety? I don't think so. Maybe it is too much caffeine.
Late night TV is pretty bad! I watched Fear Factor and now I'm watching some type of house hunting show.
It's not like I did anything today! Let's see...I gave the apartment a deep clean, went to Target and made some dinner. I think it is the stifling heat!
Here is a random cooking idea. I am trying use all the food I have in my apartment before I move on Sunday. I had some packages of string cheese left over. I cut the logs apart and hid a piece of it in some meatballs I made. It turned out pretty yummy!
I'm making no sense and now my cable keeps flickering and one of the lamps keeps getting brighter. I think it is a sign to go to bed.
Late night TV is pretty bad! I watched Fear Factor and now I'm watching some type of house hunting show.
It's not like I did anything today! Let's see...I gave the apartment a deep clean, went to Target and made some dinner. I think it is the stifling heat!
Here is a random cooking idea. I am trying use all the food I have in my apartment before I move on Sunday. I had some packages of string cheese left over. I cut the logs apart and hid a piece of it in some meatballs I made. It turned out pretty yummy!
I'm making no sense and now my cable keeps flickering and one of the lamps keeps getting brighter. I think it is a sign to go to bed.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
2 posts in 1 day-OH MY!
Is it obvious that I am a little bit bored? When I get really, really bored, I tend to get crafty. So, today I made some gifts. Hobby Lobby has all of their glass and paper mache stuff for 50% off. They also have a clearance aisle that had some good stuff. Did you know a 5-pack of paint pens is $15? Ouch!
I also wanted to make chili tonight, but since it is blazing hot, I decided to make it lighter and cooler. So, here is another recipe!
Veggie Chili
1 each of zucchini, yellow squash, any color bell pepper (i like orange/yellow) and poblano pepper, diced
1/2 onion, diced
2 tbsp garlic
Chili powder, cumin and whatever else you like, to taste
6 cups veg stock
1 can diced tomatoes (drained)
Saute onion and garlic in a little olive oil. Add garlic and all other veggies.
When veggies are soft, but not falling apart, add tomatoes and seasonings (I just dump it all in and taste it)
Add stock, bring to a bil, then turn down to low. Simmer 20 minutes.
I serve mine with corn spoon bread (which is jiffy corn bread mix-follow directions on the box, can of drained corn and a cup of cheese)
I also wanted to make chili tonight, but since it is blazing hot, I decided to make it lighter and cooler. So, here is another recipe!
Veggie Chili
1 each of zucchini, yellow squash, any color bell pepper (i like orange/yellow) and poblano pepper, diced
1/2 onion, diced
2 tbsp garlic
Chili powder, cumin and whatever else you like, to taste
6 cups veg stock
1 can diced tomatoes (drained)
Saute onion and garlic in a little olive oil. Add garlic and all other veggies.
When veggies are soft, but not falling apart, add tomatoes and seasonings (I just dump it all in and taste it)
Add stock, bring to a bil, then turn down to low. Simmer 20 minutes.
I serve mine with corn spoon bread (which is jiffy corn bread mix-follow directions on the box, can of drained corn and a cup of cheese)
K-Bobs and Good Times
Last night I had dinner with the family I cook for. If you don't remember, I cook for The H family. They are an amazing family. My friend M, who previously cooked for them, ate with them for the first time last night with me. Mr. H has always asked us to have dinner with them, but because of the circumstance, M and I usually decline. I am glad we went last night though.
For the amazing family story:
I made K-Bobs tonight and I think they turned out great. In fact, there was nothing left on the plate!
After dinner, we all watched Project Runway. It was a good one. I a definitely hooked to PR. Mr. H's son, little H had his "girlfriend" over. She has just returned from a mission trip in Thailand. Little H just returned from Africa. Man, times have changed. When I was that age, I definitely wasn't traveling the world.
Here is my recipe for K-bobs:
1 green and red bell pepper, chopped in squres
1 can sliced pineapple
1.5 pounds of chicken breast, cut into chunks
1 pkg smoked turkey sausage, cut into chunks
bamboo skewers (soaked in water for at least 30 min)
Build K-bobs (I generally put a piece of bell pepper between the meats)
Season with mix of salt, pepper, paprika and garlic powder
Bake in oven at 375 for 25 min (turn once). Obviously you can grill them too, but this turned out perfect!
Serve with warm teriyaki sauce (on the side)
"Roasted" potatoes
6 small red potatoes-skin on
Cut potatoes in 1/4's, sprinkle left over seasoning from K-bobs
Add a tbsp of olive oil and a pat of butter
Mix together, wrap tightly in foil, bake 20 min at 375. After 20 min, put potatoes in bowl, cover and heat in microwave for 4 minutes!
For the amazing family story:
I made K-Bobs tonight and I think they turned out great. In fact, there was nothing left on the plate!
After dinner, we all watched Project Runway. It was a good one. I a definitely hooked to PR. Mr. H's son, little H had his "girlfriend" over. She has just returned from a mission trip in Thailand. Little H just returned from Africa. Man, times have changed. When I was that age, I definitely wasn't traveling the world.
Here is my recipe for K-bobs:
1 green and red bell pepper, chopped in squres
1 can sliced pineapple
1.5 pounds of chicken breast, cut into chunks
1 pkg smoked turkey sausage, cut into chunks
bamboo skewers (soaked in water for at least 30 min)
Build K-bobs (I generally put a piece of bell pepper between the meats)
Season with mix of salt, pepper, paprika and garlic powder
Bake in oven at 375 for 25 min (turn once). Obviously you can grill them too, but this turned out perfect!
Serve with warm teriyaki sauce (on the side)
"Roasted" potatoes
6 small red potatoes-skin on
Cut potatoes in 1/4's, sprinkle left over seasoning from K-bobs
Add a tbsp of olive oil and a pat of butter
Mix together, wrap tightly in foil, bake 20 min at 375. After 20 min, put potatoes in bowl, cover and heat in microwave for 4 minutes!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Powerpoint presentation...
I'm not a writer. I know this. I've decided that my style of writing can often be compared to a powerpoint presentation; short, sweet and to the point.
So, here it goes, minus the bullets, background noise and pretty pictures.
1. I am 29. I think this might be the worst age. Your 20's are almost behind you and 30 is looming around the corner. Let's just pray my 30's are better than my 20's.
2. Monday, the Big D, did not go as planned. Actually, it took a u-turn. Back to square one. Need details? Email me...I'm not about to put that story where the whole world can see.
3. God is great! My best friend, S and her husband, C are proud parents to a newborn, M. Their patience, perseverance and prayers paid off. Keep praying for them as they bring M home and into their world.
4. I move in two weeks. The majority of my belongings have been moved. All I have left is four outfits and some important papers. I'm actually really nervous!
5. I got a speeding ticket yesterday. This was my first one, honestly!!!!! Have tickets gone up? I was going 9 over and it was $120. OUCH!
6. Is there a Papa Murphy's in your neck of the woods? If so, go grab some and eat it up! I had a thin crust chicken, artichoke, bacon and garlic cheese pizza last night. Can you say YUM! Papa Murphy's has "take and bake" pizza.
7. This weekend it tax free weekend in T-town. I have my coupons in hand and am ready to shop for things I can wear in Houston. Do you think swim suits are appropriate attire during the school year?
So, here it goes, minus the bullets, background noise and pretty pictures.
1. I am 29. I think this might be the worst age. Your 20's are almost behind you and 30 is looming around the corner. Let's just pray my 30's are better than my 20's.
2. Monday, the Big D, did not go as planned. Actually, it took a u-turn. Back to square one. Need details? Email me...I'm not about to put that story where the whole world can see.
3. God is great! My best friend, S and her husband, C are proud parents to a newborn, M. Their patience, perseverance and prayers paid off. Keep praying for them as they bring M home and into their world.
4. I move in two weeks. The majority of my belongings have been moved. All I have left is four outfits and some important papers. I'm actually really nervous!
5. I got a speeding ticket yesterday. This was my first one, honestly!!!!! Have tickets gone up? I was going 9 over and it was $120. OUCH!
6. Is there a Papa Murphy's in your neck of the woods? If so, go grab some and eat it up! I had a thin crust chicken, artichoke, bacon and garlic cheese pizza last night. Can you say YUM! Papa Murphy's has "take and bake" pizza.
7. This weekend it tax free weekend in T-town. I have my coupons in hand and am ready to shop for things I can wear in Houston. Do you think swim suits are appropriate attire during the school year?
Friday, July 25, 2008
Random Thoughts, Installment 2
Hi again!
Here are more ramblings...
1. I have sold ALL of my furniture. The only thing left in my apartment is a couch. Goodwill got some serious donations!
2. It is really, really hot here in Tulsa. It is actually hotter here than it is in Houston (thanks only to Hurricane Dolly).
3. My birthday is Sunday. I don't really feel like celebrating this year. 29 isn't that exciting:(
4. The "Big D" will be final on Monday. Everyone cross their fingers and wish me luck. I'll need it.
5. I'm nervous about my move. I only have 2 weeks left here.
6. I never made it to the Peach festival, sorry Deana! I'm going to have to settle for some non-local peaches for Deana's cobbler.
7. I love Honest Tea. If you like cold tea and you haven't had it, check it out. They are running a "Red, White and Green" special at Whole Foods. 12 bottles for 9.99 plus 10% off case discount. That's .83 a bottle. They also have hot tea bags which are delicious!
8. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
9. I may have perfected a recipe for Mexican White Cheese Dip. I have been testing tons of recipes. I think this is as close as it gets. Try it out!
1 pound WHITE american cheese (one pkg of slices is a pound)
4 oz pepper jack cheese
1.5 cups of WHOLE milk (trust me here)
Simmer milk until scalding. Slowly whisk in american cheese (I just stacked all the slices together and cut it into cubes or, if you can find it, they sell white american cheese by the block in the deli). After american cheese is melted, slowly whisk in pepper jack. It will thicken as it gets hotter.
Let me know what you think.
Here are more ramblings...
1. I have sold ALL of my furniture. The only thing left in my apartment is a couch. Goodwill got some serious donations!
2. It is really, really hot here in Tulsa. It is actually hotter here than it is in Houston (thanks only to Hurricane Dolly).
3. My birthday is Sunday. I don't really feel like celebrating this year. 29 isn't that exciting:(
4. The "Big D" will be final on Monday. Everyone cross their fingers and wish me luck. I'll need it.
5. I'm nervous about my move. I only have 2 weeks left here.
6. I never made it to the Peach festival, sorry Deana! I'm going to have to settle for some non-local peaches for Deana's cobbler.
7. I love Honest Tea. If you like cold tea and you haven't had it, check it out. They are running a "Red, White and Green" special at Whole Foods. 12 bottles for 9.99 plus 10% off case discount. That's .83 a bottle. They also have hot tea bags which are delicious!
8. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
9. I may have perfected a recipe for Mexican White Cheese Dip. I have been testing tons of recipes. I think this is as close as it gets. Try it out!
1 pound WHITE american cheese (one pkg of slices is a pound)
4 oz pepper jack cheese
1.5 cups of WHOLE milk (trust me here)
Simmer milk until scalding. Slowly whisk in american cheese (I just stacked all the slices together and cut it into cubes or, if you can find it, they sell white american cheese by the block in the deli). After american cheese is melted, slowly whisk in pepper jack. It will thicken as it gets hotter.
Let me know what you think.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Random Thoughts
It's been a little while since my last post. I don't really have anything exciting to report on, just a bunch of random thoughts.
1. Bella, my adorable lab, turned 7 this week. I also found out that she has Cushing's disease. The news was very hard to take. I realize that Bella was never meant to live forever. Bella is like my daughter. For more information, visit
2. I finished my last day at Broken Arrow on Thursday. Very uneventful.
3. I am still moving to Houston. My apartment now consists of a couch, bed, dresser and clothes.
4. I love Thanks to everyone who has bought my stuff:)
5. I said good-bye to a friend with GBM (brain tumor). I learned that life is too short to worry about the future. Live in the now and live it to the fullest.
6. I want to delete my myspace account. There are too many creepy people on there, even though my account is set to private. I'm learning to love Facebook. A positive of FB is it doesn't jack up your computer like myspace.
7. I am in the process of saying "good-bye" to friends in Tulsa. It started last night with my speech path friends. Tomorrow is with close friends that I have made here. It is going to be hard to move to a place where nobody knows your name:(
8. I'm dreading moving in with my mom. I am thankful for the opportunity, but still dread it.
9. I am going to the Porter Peach Festival tomorrow and am currently looking for some great Peach Cobbler recipes. I think Deana's cobbler recipe might be it.
10. Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
It's been a little while since my last post. I don't really have anything exciting to report on, just a bunch of random thoughts.
1. Bella, my adorable lab, turned 7 this week. I also found out that she has Cushing's disease. The news was very hard to take. I realize that Bella was never meant to live forever. Bella is like my daughter. For more information, visit
2. I finished my last day at Broken Arrow on Thursday. Very uneventful.
3. I am still moving to Houston. My apartment now consists of a couch, bed, dresser and clothes.
4. I love Thanks to everyone who has bought my stuff:)
5. I said good-bye to a friend with GBM (brain tumor). I learned that life is too short to worry about the future. Live in the now and live it to the fullest.
6. I want to delete my myspace account. There are too many creepy people on there, even though my account is set to private. I'm learning to love Facebook. A positive of FB is it doesn't jack up your computer like myspace.
7. I am in the process of saying "good-bye" to friends in Tulsa. It started last night with my speech path friends. Tomorrow is with close friends that I have made here. It is going to be hard to move to a place where nobody knows your name:(
8. I'm dreading moving in with my mom. I am thankful for the opportunity, but still dread it.
9. I am going to the Porter Peach Festival tomorrow and am currently looking for some great Peach Cobbler recipes. I think Deana's cobbler recipe might be it.
10. Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
Friday, July 11, 2008
For my best friend Shara
The following is a letter that my best friend Shara and her husband, Cory, wrote for their potential birth mother. Cory and Shara have been waiting very patiently for good news from their adoption agency. Recently, they received word that their agency is undergoing "changes" and essentially lost all of the parts of their home study, which is an integral part of their application. They went from being #7 on a list to back to square one. The most amazing thing about them is that they have never gotten frustrated. They continue to wait with patience.
I thought by posting their letter, those who read my blog, or happen to come upon it, may know of someone in a situation that warrants giving their child up for adoption. Please pray for Cory and Shara. May they be blessed with an addition to complete their family.
Dear Birthmom,
We really do not know where to begin except to say, “Thank you.” We are indefinitely grateful. We know this decision is not an easy decision for you.
Our names are Cory and Shara. We have been married for five wonderful years and are excited to see and experience the many more years of life we have together. We are true soul mates. Cory is an elementary PE teacher and Shara is a first grade teacher. We have a four year old English Bulldog named Sadie who is spoiled rotten! It has surprised us both to see how much we love Sadie, so we can only imagine that the love we will give to a child will far exceed any expectation we have ever had.
We try to live with Christ as the center of our marriage and lives. We have been so blessed by the opportunities the Lord has given us to see and experience life. We love to travel, but we are always happy just to be at home. Home is where our heart is. Our favorite places to be are anywhere with each other and family. We love the mountains and the water – whether it is the beach, lake, or the swimming pool. We are very involved in our church where we assist with the teen program on Wednesday nights and stay busy with our Couples Sunday School class. Cory loves to hunt, fish, and kayak. Shara loves to cook, decorate, scrapbook, and yes, shop. She is always looking for a bargain! Laughter, family, and friends are very important to us and our lives.
Shara describes Cory as, “strong but gentle, honest, funny, patient, a teacher, dedicated, a story teller, hardworking, loving, a provider, humble, and a Godly man. Cory loves the Lord whole heartedly and he shows it by the way he chooses to live his life. He is my husband and best friend who makes me laugh and shares in my joy and sorrow. I am a better person because of him. He is the love of my life.”
Cory describes Shara as, “caring, loving, kind, gentle, supportive, and encouraging. Her relationship with the Lord and her love for the Lord is what brings these characteristics out in her. She is my best friend and the person I turn to when times are good and bad. She makes me and everyone she is around feel very special. Her heart is a truly loving one. Shara is the one the Lord hand-picked for me. I could not have dreamed of a better partner for life; she is without a doubt my best part. I thank the Lord for her every day we have together.”
Family is a critical part in our life, it is our rock. Our families are our biggest supporters and encouragers. We spend a huge part of our free time with our family. Both sides of our families have taught us the true meaning of family. It will be our greatest accomplishment and joy to have the opportunity to be the kind of parents our parents were to us.
For the past three and a half years we have wanted nothing more than to start a family of our own. Little did we know it would take us the entire three and a half years to see that God has a different, far better plan than we could imagine. He is leading us right here to this place to meet you and this child you are so willing to give us. We can already feel our hearts pouring out with love for this child we have not even met. Even our families are bursting at the seams with love and anticipation as they too wait to meet this precious child.
We want nothing more than the opportunity to be a mom and dad. A son or daughter will be an answered prayer in a home full of love, laughter, and support. Not a day will go by that we will not think of you and the courage it took to trust us with this life. We promise to love this child unconditionally for the rest of our lives. Thank you for considering us with this precious life to raise and love.
Cory & Shara
I thought by posting their letter, those who read my blog, or happen to come upon it, may know of someone in a situation that warrants giving their child up for adoption. Please pray for Cory and Shara. May they be blessed with an addition to complete their family.
Dear Birthmom,
We really do not know where to begin except to say, “Thank you.” We are indefinitely grateful. We know this decision is not an easy decision for you.
Our names are Cory and Shara. We have been married for five wonderful years and are excited to see and experience the many more years of life we have together. We are true soul mates. Cory is an elementary PE teacher and Shara is a first grade teacher. We have a four year old English Bulldog named Sadie who is spoiled rotten! It has surprised us both to see how much we love Sadie, so we can only imagine that the love we will give to a child will far exceed any expectation we have ever had.
We try to live with Christ as the center of our marriage and lives. We have been so blessed by the opportunities the Lord has given us to see and experience life. We love to travel, but we are always happy just to be at home. Home is where our heart is. Our favorite places to be are anywhere with each other and family. We love the mountains and the water – whether it is the beach, lake, or the swimming pool. We are very involved in our church where we assist with the teen program on Wednesday nights and stay busy with our Couples Sunday School class. Cory loves to hunt, fish, and kayak. Shara loves to cook, decorate, scrapbook, and yes, shop. She is always looking for a bargain! Laughter, family, and friends are very important to us and our lives.
Shara describes Cory as, “strong but gentle, honest, funny, patient, a teacher, dedicated, a story teller, hardworking, loving, a provider, humble, and a Godly man. Cory loves the Lord whole heartedly and he shows it by the way he chooses to live his life. He is my husband and best friend who makes me laugh and shares in my joy and sorrow. I am a better person because of him. He is the love of my life.”
Cory describes Shara as, “caring, loving, kind, gentle, supportive, and encouraging. Her relationship with the Lord and her love for the Lord is what brings these characteristics out in her. She is my best friend and the person I turn to when times are good and bad. She makes me and everyone she is around feel very special. Her heart is a truly loving one. Shara is the one the Lord hand-picked for me. I could not have dreamed of a better partner for life; she is without a doubt my best part. I thank the Lord for her every day we have together.”
Family is a critical part in our life, it is our rock. Our families are our biggest supporters and encouragers. We spend a huge part of our free time with our family. Both sides of our families have taught us the true meaning of family. It will be our greatest accomplishment and joy to have the opportunity to be the kind of parents our parents were to us.
For the past three and a half years we have wanted nothing more than to start a family of our own. Little did we know it would take us the entire three and a half years to see that God has a different, far better plan than we could imagine. He is leading us right here to this place to meet you and this child you are so willing to give us. We can already feel our hearts pouring out with love for this child we have not even met. Even our families are bursting at the seams with love and anticipation as they too wait to meet this precious child.
We want nothing more than the opportunity to be a mom and dad. A son or daughter will be an answered prayer in a home full of love, laughter, and support. Not a day will go by that we will not think of you and the courage it took to trust us with this life. We promise to love this child unconditionally for the rest of our lives. Thank you for considering us with this precious life to raise and love.
Cory & Shara
Thursday, July 3, 2008
#7 Plastic
Lately, I've been researching BPA, Bispehnol-A, which is used in making polycarbonate, which in turn is the hard, shatterproof plastic often used in making water bottles and containers. The most popular brand of these water bottles in Nalgene. Studies have shown that BPA is hazardous to our health (for a more in depth explanation, click on the link above). BPA is also used in many baby bottles and containers. It is also used in dental sealant. How do you know if your water bottle/container/baby bottle is made with BPA? Apparently, there are numbers assigned to plastics. Turn your bottle there a 7 with a recycle symbol around it? If so, chances are, it was made with BPA.
Am I saying that we are all being poisoned slowly while we are drinking our water? No. A lot of studies show that these specific plastics, #7's, have to be exposed to high heat. Most of us don't boil water, put it into our water bottles and then drink out of it. However, some people heat up their baby bottles and leftovers. I obviously am NOT an expert here, I am just stating what has been said.
So what does that mean for me? It means I have traded in my Nalgene bottle for a friendlier Sigg bottle, which is made from aluminum. And no, my water does not taste like metal. I also have a Camelback bottle, which is BPA free. It is still made from plastic, but it does not use a BPA polymer. Check out their website:
I obviously have a lot more research to do. I'll keep you posted. If you have any more information, let me know. I'd love to learn more.
Lately, I've been researching BPA, Bispehnol-A, which is used in making polycarbonate, which in turn is the hard, shatterproof plastic often used in making water bottles and containers. The most popular brand of these water bottles in Nalgene. Studies have shown that BPA is hazardous to our health (for a more in depth explanation, click on the link above). BPA is also used in many baby bottles and containers. It is also used in dental sealant. How do you know if your water bottle/container/baby bottle is made with BPA? Apparently, there are numbers assigned to plastics. Turn your bottle there a 7 with a recycle symbol around it? If so, chances are, it was made with BPA.
Am I saying that we are all being poisoned slowly while we are drinking our water? No. A lot of studies show that these specific plastics, #7's, have to be exposed to high heat. Most of us don't boil water, put it into our water bottles and then drink out of it. However, some people heat up their baby bottles and leftovers. I obviously am NOT an expert here, I am just stating what has been said.
So what does that mean for me? It means I have traded in my Nalgene bottle for a friendlier Sigg bottle, which is made from aluminum. And no, my water does not taste like metal. I also have a Camelback bottle, which is BPA free. It is still made from plastic, but it does not use a BPA polymer. Check out their website:
I obviously have a lot more research to do. I'll keep you posted. If you have any more information, let me know. I'd love to learn more.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
It's official!

I can officially post that I am moving to Houston. Not that most of you didn't already know. I FINALLY got a hold of my supervisor. She was very nice about it and even offered my a job if I ever return.
The time I have left here in Tulsa is limited. I am planning on moving the 1st week of August. I have a lot of things to take care of before then. I am currently in my "clean house" phase, where I am trying to get rid of all the things I don't need. One thing about living in an apartment is it shows you what you can and can't live without. I am selling all of my furniture, decor, etc...I want a fresh start. Since I have decided to live with my mom and her husband for a few months to save some $$ (what am I thinking?), I decided when I finally find a place to live, I can start new. There is an IKEA and Crate and Barrel in Houston!
After my Target/biscuit incident, my life has been pretty boring. Today I have been hanging with Bella. She keeps having doggie nightmares. The picture I posted is of her today with all of her toys. I've read that dogs often hoard their toys and sleep with them when they are feeling maternal. Even though Bella has been spayed, I know she still has that mommy instinct in her.
I started reading a new book today. It is TWILIGHT by Stefanie Meyers. They are a series of pre-teen romance novels about a young woman who is in love with a vampire. I know it sounds cheesey, but they are written very well. Apparently, they are the next "Harry Potter-ish" books.
One more thing. I have a new recipe! I had this great "green sauce" at the Farmer's Market a few weeks ago. My cheap self decided that it would be easier to try to copy her recipe than continue to buy it (it is $7.00/jar). I altered the recipe to make it lighter as well, because once you start eating it, you won't be able to start.
Here it is:
Green Sauce (good with blue corn tortilla chips, carrots, on chicken or fish)
Also, I'm pretty bad a measuring things, so here is a base for the recipe. You can tweak it to your liking.
2 to 1 ratio of low fat mayo to low fat sour cream (I wouldn't use fat free), so let's say 2 cups mayo, 1 cup sour cream
1 bunch of cilantro
5 green onions
extra virgin olive oil-2 count
1 jalepeno, seeded unless you want your mouth on fire
Put everything into a blender and let it rip! I would taste it and add things as you wish. I like it with extra, extra cilantro! Let it sit in the fridge for at least 3o minutes.
Monday, June 30, 2008
If you can't laugh at yourself...
I have experienced two very different emotions in the past 24 hours. Yesterday, I was Sad Sack Sobbing Sally and today I can't stop laughing at myself.
It all started with a trip to Target. I am wearing (was wearing) a denim skirt that has a button on the back pocket. I got this great idea to wedge my car into this space that I knew would be impossible to get out of. I do it anyway and open my car door to get out. As I am trying to inch my way out of the car (the door is barely open at this point), I feel my skirt get stuck into something. It's the stupid button! Some how I have lodged the button into the door jamb and am now stuck with the door barely cracked open and me half-way standing up. If you need more details, I essentially looked like an old woman with osteoporosis.
Well, I'm officially stuck and can't get out of the bind. It is hot outside and I start to sweat like a pig. A few minutes pass (it feels like hours) and the owner of one of the cars I so gracefully wedged myself between comes around and asks me if I am ok. I am pretty much on the verge of tears due to embarrassment. Luckily this man was not really young or attractive. To end the story, he pulled my button out of the door jamb. I had to wait for him to move his car before I could get back into mine. I never even made it in to Target because my pocket had ripped and my personals were exposed.
After the button incident, I drive to the grocery store. I am checking out and some how my hand brushes the clerks hand (who is pretty attractive) and he says "are you trying to hold my hand?" I reply with something totally ridiculous, "I do it this all time." WTF? I grabbed my receipt and ran....WITHOUT my grocery cart. He had to call me back into the store to get my groceries!
If you think I am a complete idiot now, keep reading. While I was at the store, I bought some biscuits. I put all the groceries into the trunk and run a few more errands. Apparently it was hotter outside than I had suspected. When I got home, I opened the trunk and the biscuit can had exploded and the "jumbo" biscuits were stuck ALL OVER my trunk! I just spent the last 30 minutes peeling biscuits out of my trunk. I think my neighbors were secretly laughing!!!!
I can't wait to see what happens next!
It all started with a trip to Target. I am wearing (was wearing) a denim skirt that has a button on the back pocket. I got this great idea to wedge my car into this space that I knew would be impossible to get out of. I do it anyway and open my car door to get out. As I am trying to inch my way out of the car (the door is barely open at this point), I feel my skirt get stuck into something. It's the stupid button! Some how I have lodged the button into the door jamb and am now stuck with the door barely cracked open and me half-way standing up. If you need more details, I essentially looked like an old woman with osteoporosis.
Well, I'm officially stuck and can't get out of the bind. It is hot outside and I start to sweat like a pig. A few minutes pass (it feels like hours) and the owner of one of the cars I so gracefully wedged myself between comes around and asks me if I am ok. I am pretty much on the verge of tears due to embarrassment. Luckily this man was not really young or attractive. To end the story, he pulled my button out of the door jamb. I had to wait for him to move his car before I could get back into mine. I never even made it in to Target because my pocket had ripped and my personals were exposed.
After the button incident, I drive to the grocery store. I am checking out and some how my hand brushes the clerks hand (who is pretty attractive) and he says "are you trying to hold my hand?" I reply with something totally ridiculous, "I do it this all time." WTF? I grabbed my receipt and ran....WITHOUT my grocery cart. He had to call me back into the store to get my groceries!
If you think I am a complete idiot now, keep reading. While I was at the store, I bought some biscuits. I put all the groceries into the trunk and run a few more errands. Apparently it was hotter outside than I had suspected. When I got home, I opened the trunk and the biscuit can had exploded and the "jumbo" biscuits were stuck ALL OVER my trunk! I just spent the last 30 minutes peeling biscuits out of my trunk. I think my neighbors were secretly laughing!!!!
I can't wait to see what happens next!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Disappointment is the feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations to manifest. Similar to regret, it differs in that the individual feeling regret focuses primarily on personal choices contributing to a poor outcome, while the individual feeling disappointment focuses on outcome.[1] It is a source of psychological stress.[2] The study of disappointment—its causes, impact and the degree to which individual decisions are motivated by a desire to avoid it—is a focus in the field of decision analysis,[1][3] as disappointment is one of two primary emotions involved in decision-making.
How is it that I allow myself to feel this emotion? You think at this point in the game, I have learned my lesson and have stopped giving second chances. Obviously I am not going into great detail about how I have come to this point. But, if you know me, you can probably guess who I have given a second chance to and why I feel disappointed. What a bummer. I thought I was smarter than this.
How is it that I allow myself to feel this emotion? You think at this point in the game, I have learned my lesson and have stopped giving second chances. Obviously I am not going into great detail about how I have come to this point. But, if you know me, you can probably guess who I have given a second chance to and why I feel disappointed. What a bummer. I thought I was smarter than this.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Steamy and Hot!
The weather that is:) I am in Houston, TX. Home to big Texas highways, buildings and air pollution. But, it is a nice change of scenery. Why am I here? I'll have to tell you later, when I get back to Tulsa....
In the meantime, I'll be thinking of all of my readers, which is probably one (Deana), while I make one of my favorite trips to IKEA and Crate and Barrel. Did I mention there is a great outlet mall a few minutes from my parents house?
Have a great weekend.
In the meantime, I'll be thinking of all of my readers, which is probably one (Deana), while I make one of my favorite trips to IKEA and Crate and Barrel. Did I mention there is a great outlet mall a few minutes from my parents house?
Have a great weekend.
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Good morning all:
Since my last post I have managed to take a vacation, graduate and get a job!
I took a vacation to Oregon. It was wonderful, especially the scenery. I do have to say that the people aren't as friendly and the weather drove me crazy! I really, really wanted to like OR and the Pacific Northwest so I could live closer to my sister but I just couldn't. Maybe if I was there longer I could learn to love it. I did enjoy Bend, OR. I thought it was really nice. It was also good to see my sister. She lives in Madras, OR. This was the longest vacation that I have ever taken in my entire life but very much needed!
I graduated on May 10, 2008! It was pretty anti-climatic! The guest speaker was a noble laureate and I wasn't sure what he was talking about. We didn't even get to throw our hats! It was a busy day. My entire family was here (which isn't that big but we are never all together). We ate a lot! We had Carrabba's for lunch, Viet Huong for dinner and then I had a late night Sonic snack:) The next morning, we had a breakfast buffet~which was SO filling!
I also took a job with Broken Arrow Public Schools. I am starting on June 2, 2008, which is good because that means I will have my full license that much faster. I decided to stay in Tulsa for my fellowship because I wanted to stay close to my Dad. My mom moved to Houston and I just felt like I would worry every day and end up flying back here all the time to check on him. Of course I am bummed about not being able to move close to the mountains, but this is the right decision for me. My decision was confirmed yesterday when I had to take Dad to the doctor. It was a good day and he is in pretty good health, considering all the factors. But, it was so nice to talk with him and hang out with him. Even though I don't see him everyday, I at least try to see him once a week. Sometimes life works out in a way that you would never believe.
Other than that, nothing else is going on. I am just going to hang out today and watch some shows that I have DVR'd. Also, I am going to start unpacking some of my things and decorating the apartment since I am going to be staying for awhile.
This is really random, but I wanted to share it with you. My lab Bella, who is the sweetest dog, is starting to be bad. I think it is due to boredom and not being able to have a big yard to play in. The other day, I had a roast chicken for dinner, caesar salad and a baked potato. When I woke up the next morning, Bella had gotten really sick right next to the door! That's because she went dumpster diving and ate the same dinner I did! I keep asking her if it was worth it and she says YES! I love that dog so much!
Talk to you all later!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Fresh start here I come!
I'm almost a fresh start that is. I passed my keys to the house over to new buyer on Wed, March 12th. It might have been the happiest time in my life! Now I am just hanging out in my apartment, which is right across the street from LaFortune Park. It's a perfect place to be and a perfect time of year. I've got my dearest dog, Bella with me and I think she is loving being able to go on a walk everyday! I can't wait to take her to the mountains of CO where she can actually act like a dog and be outside running around a lot.
Besides the move, I'm still working on jobs. I have been offered a job with a contract co. in Denver for Denver Public Schools. I'm not super sure about it so I've just been holding on to it. You know when you get that feeling that something just isn't right? Well, that's the feeling I have with this co.--their offer and all that jazz sounds too good to be true. So, I'm holding out for a job fair in Denver in May. My friend Tallie and I are going to attend it and hopefully walk away with a job!
Nothing else to report on. I'm just relaxing this weekend. I'm currently reading Mercy, by Jodi Picoult. She is one of my favorite authors. Oh, I am also trying to create a recipe for the Cooking Light contest. The winner wins 10,000! Even if I don't win, I thought it would be something fun to do. I also really want to learn how to knit. Does anyone have any good pointers?
Have a good weekend!
Besides the move, I'm still working on jobs. I have been offered a job with a contract co. in Denver for Denver Public Schools. I'm not super sure about it so I've just been holding on to it. You know when you get that feeling that something just isn't right? Well, that's the feeling I have with this co.--their offer and all that jazz sounds too good to be true. So, I'm holding out for a job fair in Denver in May. My friend Tallie and I are going to attend it and hopefully walk away with a job!
Nothing else to report on. I'm just relaxing this weekend. I'm currently reading Mercy, by Jodi Picoult. She is one of my favorite authors. Oh, I am also trying to create a recipe for the Cooking Light contest. The winner wins 10,000! Even if I don't win, I thought it would be something fun to do. I also really want to learn how to knit. Does anyone have any good pointers?
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Just Kidding
We are no longer closing on the 4th. The closing company needs more than 5 days to get all the paperwork together. I'll keep you updated.
I did find an apartment yesterday. It is pretty cute, as cute as an apartment goes. I will only be there six months until I make my move to CO:) School doesn't start until Sep, so I plan on moving there in August. That way I have time to save some $$. Sadly, the apartment is almost as big as my house. It is 975 sq ft. The house was 1003-ironic. I am looking forward to NO maintenance. The apartment was recently updated and has a new washer/dryer, new carpet and tile. It isn't one of those swanky ones, just quiet and quaint-the way I like it.
I'm looking forward to this new chapter....more lies ahead!
I did find an apartment yesterday. It is pretty cute, as cute as an apartment goes. I will only be there six months until I make my move to CO:) School doesn't start until Sep, so I plan on moving there in August. That way I have time to save some $$. Sadly, the apartment is almost as big as my house. It is 975 sq ft. The house was 1003-ironic. I am looking forward to NO maintenance. The apartment was recently updated and has a new washer/dryer, new carpet and tile. It isn't one of those swanky ones, just quiet and quaint-the way I like it.
I'm looking forward to this new chapter....more lies ahead!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
4 days from now
Four days from now I will be sitting at a closing table giving my keys to the new proud owner of this home!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Any day now....
We still haven't heard about the house. Inspections were this week and the FHA inspector was a little harsh, in my opinion. Wording such as "fire hazard," "no insurance company will insure," etc... should be left out of an inspector's report because I feel like it really is going to kill the deal. So what's with the "fire hazard" you ask? Our house is 65 plus years old. The electrical is "not up to code" code for "fire hazard." However, if you ask any general contractor, old homes are what the adjective states, "old." Four years ago, when the house was purchased, it was up to "code." Well, news for you Miss Buyer Princess, electrical codes change every year.
Anyways....I've had enough of this house business. I am constantly sick to my stomach worrying. So, I am going to try (really hard) to stop worrying and let nature take its course. If the house was meant to sell, it will.
To keep my mind of "house stuff" I went grocery shopping. I don't know if any of you have ever heard of ALDI, but it is my new favorite place besides our new Whole Foods. ALDI is unassuming in every way. They have brands such as "Mama Cozi and Fit and Active." What most people do not know is that this place is awesome! Sure, you have to pay .25 for your grocery cart and back your own groceries. But in the end, it save the grocer money, in turn, saving me money! They even have organic brands and carry some name brands. If there is an ALDI near you, I suggest going!
Here is a recipe. I stole if off of the Whole Foods website. However, I bought ALL of my ingredients at ALDI. If you like cherries, this one is for you!
Sunflower Cherry Oatmeal Breakfast Bars
1c rolled oats (quick cooking)
1c whole wheat flour
1/2c packed brown sugar
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 c sunflower seeds
1/4 c dried cherries
1/2 c canola oil
5 tbsp orange juice
1/2 c cherry preserves/jam
Preheat oven to 325. Combine oats, flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, sunflower seeds and cherries in a large bowl. Add oil and 3 tbsp of orange juice; mix well until all ingredients are combined. Reserve 1/2 c of mix and press the rest lightly into a lightly oiled 8x8 pan. Mix the remaining 2 tbsp of orange juice with the cherry preserves. Spread over top of mixture (the one in the pan) and then top preserves with remainder 1/2 c of mix. Press lightly with fingers. Bake 35 minutes until golden brown or bubbly. Cool and cut into bars/squares. Store in airtight container.
They are super yum. I've thought about adding chocolate chips/almonds too. I'll let you know.
Have a good weekend!
Anyways....I've had enough of this house business. I am constantly sick to my stomach worrying. So, I am going to try (really hard) to stop worrying and let nature take its course. If the house was meant to sell, it will.
To keep my mind of "house stuff" I went grocery shopping. I don't know if any of you have ever heard of ALDI, but it is my new favorite place besides our new Whole Foods. ALDI is unassuming in every way. They have brands such as "Mama Cozi and Fit and Active." What most people do not know is that this place is awesome! Sure, you have to pay .25 for your grocery cart and back your own groceries. But in the end, it save the grocer money, in turn, saving me money! They even have organic brands and carry some name brands. If there is an ALDI near you, I suggest going!
Here is a recipe. I stole if off of the Whole Foods website. However, I bought ALL of my ingredients at ALDI. If you like cherries, this one is for you!
Sunflower Cherry Oatmeal Breakfast Bars
1c rolled oats (quick cooking)
1c whole wheat flour
1/2c packed brown sugar
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 c sunflower seeds
1/4 c dried cherries
1/2 c canola oil
5 tbsp orange juice
1/2 c cherry preserves/jam
Preheat oven to 325. Combine oats, flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, sunflower seeds and cherries in a large bowl. Add oil and 3 tbsp of orange juice; mix well until all ingredients are combined. Reserve 1/2 c of mix and press the rest lightly into a lightly oiled 8x8 pan. Mix the remaining 2 tbsp of orange juice with the cherry preserves. Spread over top of mixture (the one in the pan) and then top preserves with remainder 1/2 c of mix. Press lightly with fingers. Bake 35 minutes until golden brown or bubbly. Cool and cut into bars/squares. Store in airtight container.
They are super yum. I've thought about adding chocolate chips/almonds too. I'll let you know.
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I can feel the acid churning in my stomach...can someone get me some Rolaids?
The frustration never ends. Maybe one day (hopefully soon) I will post something more positive and light-hearted.
Here are a list of my current stomach acid churning beefs:
1. House inspection scheduled for 9am today. Scenario: I take off work to keep the dogs entertained and away from the house for an hour or so. After a leisurely stroll at Target, I return to the house to find that NO inspection has taken place.
2. Call real estate agent-she said she showed up at 9 with the buyer's inspector. 20 minutes later pass with no buyer or buyer's agent and no phone call.
3. Buyer's agent calls my agent, says no inspection b/c contract is missing "a few initials."
4. Real estate agent calls me to tell me all the news. I semi blow up and say that I can't continue to miss work for this crap.
5. Real estate agent says buyer wants a new contract with a different asking price. Too complicated for her to figure out so she takes it to the closing company to decipher. WTF?
Note: If you can't afford to buy a home and have to take a 106% loan out on a house, maybe that is a sign.
Note: Who is selling this house? Me or the buyer?
Happy Heart Day!
Here are a list of my current stomach acid churning beefs:
1. House inspection scheduled for 9am today. Scenario: I take off work to keep the dogs entertained and away from the house for an hour or so. After a leisurely stroll at Target, I return to the house to find that NO inspection has taken place.
2. Call real estate agent-she said she showed up at 9 with the buyer's inspector. 20 minutes later pass with no buyer or buyer's agent and no phone call.
3. Buyer's agent calls my agent, says no inspection b/c contract is missing "a few initials."
4. Real estate agent calls me to tell me all the news. I semi blow up and say that I can't continue to miss work for this crap.
5. Real estate agent says buyer wants a new contract with a different asking price. Too complicated for her to figure out so she takes it to the closing company to decipher. WTF?
Note: If you can't afford to buy a home and have to take a 106% loan out on a house, maybe that is a sign.
Note: Who is selling this house? Me or the buyer?
Happy Heart Day!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The girl who is buying my house wants to close on the last Wed in Feb now, not March 12th, as originally agreed to. Normally, I would say heck NO, but she is in a nasty custody battle with her ex-husband. If she can legally prove that she lives in Tulsa Co, the judge will grant her full custody instead of her ex-husband. What have I gotten myself into? Say a prayer, or five, for me!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
It's Official...kinda.....
Pending the inspections, our house is almost officially SOLD. Even thought we are going to have to sign our lives away at the closing table, it is a great weight lifted off of our shoulders. Now we just have to figure out where to live, what to do with our dogs, etc...
Sadly, I think we are going to have to find GOOD homes for our Beagle and Dachshund. I hate to do that, but the reality is is that we can't move anywhere with 3 dogs. We've given those dogs very good lives so we hope that we can find someone to continue to do so. I've made the executive decision to keep Bella, the Lab. Mainly because she was my first "big purchase" when I graduated a got a job. Her demeanor is so good and she is a good dog in general.
Oh, I passed my Speech-Language Pathology Board Exam. I'm almost officially a speech-language pathologist:)
Have a great weekend! Keep the good wishes coming until we are actually at the closing table!
Sadly, I think we are going to have to find GOOD homes for our Beagle and Dachshund. I hate to do that, but the reality is is that we can't move anywhere with 3 dogs. We've given those dogs very good lives so we hope that we can find someone to continue to do so. I've made the executive decision to keep Bella, the Lab. Mainly because she was my first "big purchase" when I graduated a got a job. Her demeanor is so good and she is a good dog in general.
Oh, I passed my Speech-Language Pathology Board Exam. I'm almost officially a speech-language pathologist:)
Have a great weekend! Keep the good wishes coming until we are actually at the closing table!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Contract Schmomtrack
Ok, I can't remember being a demanding first home buyer, but apparantely I should have been. The potential buyer wants to pay us 5K less than our asking price PLUS she wants us to help with ~6K of closing costs/fees, etc... AND she wants a home warranty AND our washer and dryer? This is not including the repair costs of up to 2K!
Is this for real? Let me make sure I'm doing my math correctly....if we took this offer, we would be SO UPSIDE DOWN! Plus we still have to pay the realtor fee! So, we came back with our SELLING PRICE plus all the junk she wanted. She came back with 1K more than her original offer.
Seriously? I realize it is a buyer's market but come on!
Is this for real? Let me make sure I'm doing my math correctly....if we took this offer, we would be SO UPSIDE DOWN! Plus we still have to pay the realtor fee! So, we came back with our SELLING PRICE plus all the junk she wanted. She came back with 1K more than her original offer.
Seriously? I realize it is a buyer's market but come on!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Exciting News?
I have a contract on the house!?!? I don't know whether to be excited or not. Obviously, the person that was talking like the "potential buyer" is really a potential buyer! Keep your fingers crossed!
Monday, February 4, 2008
A beautiful day
It is such a beautiful day here in Tulsa. The weather, as always, is surprising as ever! Last Thursday, it snowed. Today it is 74. Tomorrow it will be 38. I am enjoying every bit of this sunshine. My home was "open" yesterday. There was a great turnout. My realtor said there was a young girl with her mother that "talked like buyers." I'm not sure if that is good or bad or how you distinguish a buyer from a non-buyer but I trust my realtor. I am scared that the house will sell before I move. Where will I live for the short 2-3 months? I'm told not to worry about it. So, for the first time in my life, I'm not going to.
This weekend I took a trip down memory lane. I looked at my senior book and it was funny to see how I thought I had my whole life planned out at a mere 18 years of age. Here are some funny facts:
In 10 years, I hope to be: a computer programmer or an elementary school teacher
My love outlook: Hopefully someone will want to marry me
I'd like a yearly salary of: at least 60K
Family plans: A house, dogs-preferably Dalmations and 4 children, maybe some adopted
I'll drive a: Toyota Land Cruiser
I'll own a: mansion
I'll live in: Dallas, TX or Albequerque, NM
I'll travel to: far away countries and my native homeland, Vietnam
10 years later.....I have a home, dogs (Lab, Beagle, mini-Daschund) and someone did want to marry me (but that is now over....long story, will write more later)
It's funny to see how your perspective changes in 10 years. Even in a year, my thoughts are different. Heck, I think of something new every minute!
Has your life worked out the "way you wanted it to?"
This weekend I took a trip down memory lane. I looked at my senior book and it was funny to see how I thought I had my whole life planned out at a mere 18 years of age. Here are some funny facts:
In 10 years, I hope to be: a computer programmer or an elementary school teacher
My love outlook: Hopefully someone will want to marry me
I'd like a yearly salary of: at least 60K
Family plans: A house, dogs-preferably Dalmations and 4 children, maybe some adopted
I'll drive a: Toyota Land Cruiser
I'll own a: mansion
I'll live in: Dallas, TX or Albequerque, NM
I'll travel to: far away countries and my native homeland, Vietnam
10 years later.....I have a home, dogs (Lab, Beagle, mini-Daschund) and someone did want to marry me (but that is now over....long story, will write more later)
It's funny to see how your perspective changes in 10 years. Even in a year, my thoughts are different. Heck, I think of something new every minute!
Has your life worked out the "way you wanted it to?"
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I'm back!
Hi friends,
After a long hiatus from blogging, I am finally back into the swing of things. Life has been hectic, but I suppose it wouldn't be fun if it wasn't.
Here is a quick recap of what's been going on since I blogged last...
November: Our house went on the market. We thought we were going to have a chance to sell that month until.....
December: Huge ice storm in town. It was as if a mini war zone hit Tulsa.
This is our home one day after the ice storm. We were w/o power for 11 days. Luckily, we had a warm place to live. Others were not so fortunate. Our neighbor passed away that week. She fell in her home and became hypothermic. Needless to say, she was found too late. We were fortunate enough to have wonderful friends, family and guardian angels. Whomever it was that put our meter box back on our house is truly an angel in my book. Thank You! Unfortunately, we still have piles of limbs in our yard and half broken branches in the trees. We are hoping for good weather here on out.

We traveled to Houston for the holidays. It didn't really feel like Christmas though. It was nice to be with family.
January: I took my board exam on the 12th. I am patiently waiting for my scores (4 weeks!). Keep your fingers crossed and say your prayers that I passed. I started my school rotation on the 2nd. I am currently at Northeast Elementary in Owasso. It is interesting. My heart goes out to the teachers and staff! Working in a school is tough. There is so much paperwork and so little money-those who teach are truly doing it because they are passionate about it. It amazes me every day! I have 53 kids on my caseload right now. That's a lot of paperwork (mainly IEP's). My favorite part is working in the multi-handicap classroom. These kids are the sweetest ones. I have found that I don't have much patience when it comes to working with children in the mainstream classrooms. I don't know if it because they are so spoiled (i.e., me: what did you get for xmas? them: a wii, xbox 360, horse, plasma tv, etc) or if I would rather work with the kids in the multi-handicap room instead. Either way, it has been an eye-opening experience and it makes me really really ready to graduate!
I guess that brings me up-to-date for now. I'll write tomorrow.
See you then!
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