Monday, June 30, 2008

If you can't laugh at yourself...

I have experienced two very different emotions in the past 24 hours. Yesterday, I was Sad Sack Sobbing Sally and today I can't stop laughing at myself.

It all started with a trip to Target. I am wearing (was wearing) a denim skirt that has a button on the back pocket. I got this great idea to wedge my car into this space that I knew would be impossible to get out of. I do it anyway and open my car door to get out. As I am trying to inch my way out of the car (the door is barely open at this point), I feel my skirt get stuck into something. It's the stupid button! Some how I have lodged the button into the door jamb and am now stuck with the door barely cracked open and me half-way standing up. If you need more details, I essentially looked like an old woman with osteoporosis.

Well, I'm officially stuck and can't get out of the bind. It is hot outside and I start to sweat like a pig. A few minutes pass (it feels like hours) and the owner of one of the cars I so gracefully wedged myself between comes around and asks me if I am ok. I am pretty much on the verge of tears due to embarrassment. Luckily this man was not really young or attractive. To end the story, he pulled my button out of the door jamb. I had to wait for him to move his car before I could get back into mine. I never even made it in to Target because my pocket had ripped and my personals were exposed.

After the button incident, I drive to the grocery store. I am checking out and some how my hand brushes the clerks hand (who is pretty attractive) and he says "are you trying to hold my hand?" I reply with something totally ridiculous, "I do it this all time." WTF? I grabbed my receipt and ran....WITHOUT my grocery cart. He had to call me back into the store to get my groceries!

If you think I am a complete idiot now, keep reading. While I was at the store, I bought some biscuits. I put all the groceries into the trunk and run a few more errands. Apparently it was hotter outside than I had suspected. When I got home, I opened the trunk and the biscuit can had exploded and the "jumbo" biscuits were stuck ALL OVER my trunk! I just spent the last 30 minutes peeling biscuits out of my trunk. I think my neighbors were secretly laughing!!!!

I can't wait to see what happens next!


Mat and Kristin said...

I'm trying not to laugh, but that was just one of those days where nothing goes right and all you can do is laugh! I'm sorry you had a stinky day.

Unknown said...

thanks kristin! i am glad you are laughing-it wasn't a stinky day, it was actually great and the humor was much needed!

Deana said...

i AM laughing! I'll catch up with you when I get home!

Courtney said...

I just happened to come across your blog! I had no idea you had one. I have enjoyed catching up on your life and this one topped the cake! Good luck with your move to Houston. You deserve the best! p.s. I can't wait to try some of these recipes!